Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Ask And Ye Shall Receive

Star Trek Ongoing 7-8
IDW Publishing
Mike Johnson, writer
Joe Phillips, artist

I have enjoyed most of IDW's Star Trek comics, including this run picking up from J.J. Abrams rebooted "Trek" universe film. Prior to these two issues, this title had retooled scenarios from the classic original "Star Trek" series, showing how familiar events have transpired slightly differently in this new timeline. While I have very much enjoyed these not-quite familiar tales, I dared to wish that the creators involved might also try their hands at some completely original adventures along the way.

Johnson and Phillips have expertly done just that with these two issues, crafting a tale that spins directly out of events depicted in the 2009 Abrams film. This tale, titled "Vulcan's Vengeance," was an enjoyable, completely original read that still felt true to the rebooted characters and situations, which couldn't have happened without the destruction of the planet Vulcan in the film at the hands of Nero. There were a couple of story twists involving Spock on a covert mission that didn't fool me for a minute, but the overall mystery behind the identities of the story's villains caught me completely by surprise.

Further adding to my enjoyment of this series is learning that Roberto Orci, one of the chief architects behind the reboot along with Abrams, is serving as a creative consultant on the comic series. Upcoming issues of the comic will help set up the plot for the sequel to the 2009 film, and the events depicted in these issues are considered canon for the rebooted movie continuity. That is something that almost no comics, novels or other media version of Star Trek have ever achieved before.

If you are a "Trek" fan and aren't picking these up, do yourself a favor and seek them out, either in trade or single issue form.

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