Friday, July 27, 2012

One To Beam Aboard

Star Trek Ongoing 1-3
IDW Publishing
Mike Johnson, writer
Stephen Molnar, artist

IDW has produced some great Star Trek comics since obtaining the license several years ago. This comic, set in the rebooted film universe, looks to be another fine addition to their catalog of Trek.

The first two issues of the series revisit events from the classic original series episode "Where No Man Has Gone Before," and the third issue begins a two-part re-examining of the events from the episode "The Galileo Seven." That doesn't mean these tales are simple re-tellings of events already played out. Keeping consistent with the premise of the J.J. Abrams movie from 2009, these tales incorporate some subtle and some not-so-subtle changes to what fans recall. And the art has just the right level of modeling the new actors' features one would expect from a property based on live-action television or film.

Of course, it would be nice to see these creators stretch and produce some completely original tales with these characters traveling a slightly different path than expected, but these initial three issues are a delight for long-time fans who can quote chapter and verse of what has gone before, and seem quite accessible and entertaining for someone new to the franchise.

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