Friday, December 21, 2012

Just Not Feeling It As Much As I'd Hoped

Batgirl 11-12
DC Comics
Gail Simone, writer
Ardian Syaf, artist

These two issues represent the middle of an arc begun in Batgirl No. 10 and to be concluded in Batgirl No. 13, which comes after the special 0 issue origin tale. Batgirl is facing off against a new villainess named Knightfall (Love how the DCnU is recycling all of these names from the old, especially when they put a completely new twist on them; for instance, Knightfall was the name of a story arc in the old DC, now it's a person.) and her small army of faithful lieutenants. These ladies believe themselves to be the good guys, stomping out crime in Gotham. But they cross Batgirl when they employ lethal means, even for the smallest infractions of the law.

Batgirl has determined the true identity of Knightfall, which leads us into her origin tale, a pretty dark and grisly one that might leave anyone a little twisted in the end. Along the way, Batgirl teams with a Gotham City police detective who has been less than friendly in the past and also comes into conflict with Batwoman.

This arc is a solid read. Simone delivers a great story built on wonderful characterizations. She has taken the Barbara Gordon character through some incredible adventures as Oracle in the old DC Universe and has transitioned her back to being Batgirl masterfully well. And Syaf's art is very nice to look at and easy to follow from panel to panel. His faces are recognizable as the same characters from panel to panel and page to page.

On top of that, I have always liked Batgirl. As much as I enjoyed Barbara Gordon's portrayal as Oracle after she was crippled by the Joker in The Killing Joke, I was one of the people who enjoyed the occasional flashback story to her time as Batgirl and looked forward to her return in the DCnU.

Really, it's not her, it's me. My new attitude on buying comics is to stop buying the stuff I'm not enjoying as much. There are just too many other financial demands with being a parent to buy anything and everything as I once did. I like this character and I enjoy this creative team, but I'm just not liking this book as much as I'd hoped I would. I've already ordered the title through the "Death of the Family" Bat-crossover event, but I think those will be my last issues of this title unless something changes soon.

Of course, the bittersweet part of that decision was the news just a few days later that DC has suddenly fired Simone from this title. Adding insult to injury, she reportedly found out about the firing via email. No details of why have been released to the public at this point, but I feel bad for this wonderful writer and am confused by this move by DC editorial. The news so soon after my decision to drop the title almost makes me feel guilty about the whole thing.

Addendum: In case anyone missed the news, the day this post went up it was announced that DC has rehired Gail Simone as the writer of Batgirl. So chalk one up for fandom united!

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