Friday, December 14, 2012

Friends Again

Action Comics 11-12
DC Comics
Grant Morrison, writer
Rags Morales, Rick Bryant and Brad Walker, artists

During the infighting in the most recent issues of Justice League, Superman says at one point that he and Batman are friends and have worked together outside of Justice League missions. These two issues of Action Comics give us a glimpse of the beginnings of that cooperative relationship, and if handled properly in the future, this will be a nice return.

Batman is often portrayed in modern comics as aloof, always keeping himself distant and apart from his super-powered colleagues. This is often explained as a defense mechanism in Bruce Wayne's psyche as a result of his not having any actual super powers and never quite trusting the others who do. When handled well, that can be a valid portrayal of the Dark Knight Detective.

However, some of my favorite comic book stories from childhood have Superman working side by side with Batman and Robin, either as part of the larger Justice League of America or together alone in the pages of World's Finest Comics. It is nice to see these two acting as friends and confidants again. I hope this development lasts.

The reason Superman has asked for Batman's help is explained in the art above. Superman saved the life of his editor, George Taylor, from a bomb in the previous issue. But in doing so, it seemed to observers that Clark Kent died, and Superman allowed that belief to remain. But now he is regretting killing off his secret identity in favor of being Superman 24/7.

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