Tuesday, December 25, 2012

I'm Sensing A Theme Here

Nightwing 10-12
DC Comics
Kyle Higgins, writer
Eddy Barrows, Geraldo Borges and Andres Guinaldo, artists

I'm not currently following Red Robin in Teen Titans or Red Hood in Red Hood and the Outlaws, but almost all of the other Bat-themed characters in the DCnU are located and mostly operate in Gotham City. That includes Batman, Robin, Nightwing, Batgirl and Batwoman. That's five separate heroes for one city. Now, out of those, I'm also not following Batwoman, Batman, Detective or Batman and Robin either. So, out of all those heroes, I'm really only currently following two, so maybe I'm just seeing a coincidence and falsely assuming it's a larger theme, but it still seems mighty odd.

The current story line in Batgirl involves a character named Knightfall and her minions who take a lethal approach to fighting crime. They see themselves as superior to the Bat crew because they deal with bad guys in a final way rather than sending them to jail or Arkham Asylum and allowing them the opportunity to escape and do evil again. There's also a cop involved who doesn't really much care for Batgirl but ends up working with her to help defeat Knightfall.

In these issues of Nightwing, a new character named Paragon has decided that the Bat crew isn't effective enough. He's decided to enlist followers for his Republic of Tomorrow, and they have targeted Nightwing. Why? Well, it seems two of their members were killed and one of Nightwing's escrima fighting sticks was found at the scene. Of course, we readers know Nightwing didn't kill anyone, so he's being framed. Chief suspect for framing Nightwing seems to be a Gotham police detective who has a grudge against Nightwing.

Things that make you go hmmmmmm.

Having said that, these issues of Nightwing are pretty good. First off, not everyone automatically believes that Nightwing is guilty of the murders. It's nice to see some of the powerful people in Gotham using their heads to figure out that a known hero likely wouldn't have killed someone. Also, Dick follows the clues to find out who the real killer is. The process he uses to dig up evidence and get at the truth is not only sound logic but takes us back to events in previous issues of the title. Well done, all!

Oh, and Merry Christmas to anyone who celebrates the holiday today!

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