Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Redefining Heroes

We’re going to begin this batch of retro-reviews with a misplaced annual. If you’ll recall, one of the many reasons for going back through the entirety of my comic book collection a book at a time is to correct any continuity errors I have created by the placement of specific books. Well, Green Arrow annual #7, published by DC Comics in 1995, presents a number of surprises and requires a number of decisions. And some of the decisions I made before can now be “adjusted.”

Let’s begin first by making a distinction in terms. I once read a brilliant entry online (I’m sad to say I no longer remember exactly where, although I am reasonably certain that it came from a discussion thread on the wonderful Captain Comics site, which explained the differences in several similar comics-related terms. Two of those terms, which apply to this situation, were retcon and revision. By this person’s definition, a revision is adding something previously unknown to a well-known story. The addition or change doesn’t so much change the overall story, but maybe adds a new aspect or significance. A retcon, on the other hand, a term short for retroactive continuity, changes the original story into something completely new, often taking the form of an “everyhting-you-know-is-wrong” type of revelation. Now either of these devices can be wonderful story-telling tools if used properly, and each can be disastrous in the wrong hands. But in general, it is accurate to say a revision builds upon what has gone before, while a retcon brushes aside as meaningless what has gone before in favor of something new.

The story in Green Arrow annual 7 is definitely a revision. All of the DC Comics annuals of 1995 shared a Year One theme, so naturally, this tale deals heavily with the secret origin of Green Arrow. All of the familiar elements are there: Ollie falling overboard from his own yacht and washing ashore on a seemingly deserted island where he has to use his wits to survive; along the way, he perfects his skills with a bow and arrow, and finally secures a ride back to civilization when he discovers a small band of drug smugglers on the island and captures them. This specific tale — created by Chuck Dixon, Rick Burchett, Eduardo Barreto, Chris Renaud, Gerry Fernandez, Lee Loughridge, Albert de Guzman, Darren Vincenzo and Scott Peterson — adds a “contemporary” (more on this in a minute) framing sequence and a few additional details between Ollie’s washing ashore on an island and discovering the band of drug smugglers. The addition does very little, if anything, to change those familiar elements, but adds some new ones into the mix, nonetheless.

In this tale, Ollie washes up on one island, develops his skills with a bow, etc., then learns he is not alone on the island. A shipwreck victim has been on the island for almost a year. He and Ollie, working together, manage to fashion a crude raft in an effort to escape the island. During the construction of the raft, Ollie learns something about his companion, which causes Ollie to leave the island alone. Being an inexperienced sailor, Ollie only makes it to another nearby island on his own. This second island is where Ollie discovers and captures the drug runners, and Green Arrow is born. However, what happened on that first island that led to Ollie leaving alone comes back to haunt him in the “contemporary” sequence of the story. It’s a great read, doesn’t change the essential origin story, but adds in the motivations for the current tale, while also explaining, in story, why some of the details of GA’s origin aren’t always repeated when this tale is retold. In short, it works wonderfully. I highly recommend it.

Now, as this story is part of the Year One theme, even the “contemporary” framing sequence of the tale is supposed to have happened within that first year of Green Arrow’s existence. However, that presents a problem. The only costume Green Arrow wears in this story is the one designed by Neal Adams in the late 60s/early 70s — the all-green version. However, the Silver Age GA, even post Crisis, has been shown to wear the green tunic and leggings with the red boots and gloves.

Sometimes I’ll “fix” such a costuming problem by assuming that the character’s memory is just a tad off. Hey, it happens to all of us sometimes. Do you remember exactly what you were wearing in all of your memories? This “fix” works best when someone else is doing the “remembering.” But since the framing sequence is the part with the wrong costume, this particular “fix” doesn’t work as well for this story.

So instead, I chose to ignore the Year One designation on the cover and simply assume that in my universe, the framing sequence actually happens a few years after GA’s public debut, after he has switched to the Neal Adams costume.

Now, however, another “fix” is open to me, allowing me to place this story a little farther back in time. Now that we’ve seen the events of Infinite Crisis and know about the reality-altering effects of Superboy-Prime’s efforts to break out of the dimension he’s “imprisoned” in, this can be a Year One story, and the different costume can be explained by a super-punch. Aren’t comics fun?

OK, moving on ...

The Warlord 108-113 (DC Comics, 1986-87) — Most of these issues are standard one- or two-part tales of Travis Morgan traveling through the hidden world of Skartaris in search of the wizard who may be able to cure his daughter, Jennifer, who has been afflicted with rapid-aging since #100. Traveling with Morgan is Shakira, an occasional ally of the Warlord who can transform herself into a cat, and Daimon, an old friend of Shakira’s who the reader has just met a few issues ago.

In the first arc, the trio comes to a frozen wasteland where the people are threatened by a vampiress. Eventually she is dispatched, but not before Daimon falls in battle. Issue #111 takes Morgan and Shakira to an underwater village, but the most important details of the issue are revealed on the letters pages. First is the announcement that new editor Bob Greenberger will be taking over with the next issue. The second is a response to growing criticism from readers that Morgan doesn’t seem to be in a big hurry to find the cure for Jennifer. Greenberger promises that the quest story line will be wrapped up in the next few issues, and that big changes are coming in the direction of the title.

Then in issue #113, we start to see some subplot elements being introduced that involve the surface world and fallout from the tale in Warlord annual #5, which also heavily involved the surface world. All of these issues of Warlord are new to me, but I suspect the surface world is going to begin playing a much heavier role in the events of Skartaris, and I feel that is a mistake. Morgan has been seen on the surface with other heroes during the Crisis, as well as a time or two during the late 1980s relaunch of Green Arrow by Mike Grell, also the creator of the Warlord. I have no problem with such occasional, mostly secret interactions. But on the whole, I like my Skartaris well-removed from the surface world Morgan comes from. I’m not sure if I’ll like these changes once they arrive.

Teen Titans Spotlight 1-2 (DC Comics, 1986) — When last we saw Starfire in the pages of New Teen Titans, she was leaving Tamaran for Earth, disgusted that her people had embraced the rule of her sister, Blackfire. The premiere issues of this new title depict her arrival back on Earth in a fashion too often neglected in science fiction stories. Starfire has been a Titan for several years by this point, but by and large, her experience of Earth is limited to New York City. When she arrives back on Earth, mistakenly landing in South Africa, she has no idea where she is, nor how to return to New York from her current location. Being a stranger in a strange land is complicated further when Starfire is confronted by the people of the region and the rule of the land, Apartheid. The young alien is manipulated by the South Africa government, and led to believe she has killed someone before she is able to sort out the seemingly insane behavior of the citizens of the land.

Jon Sable, Freelance 40-43 (First Comics, 1986) — These two two-issue arcs are straight-forward action-adventure fare. The first takes Sable to a marksmanship competition where a fan feels snubbed by Jon and sets about to gain revenge by setting up Jon for execution. The second issue involves Jon stumbling onto a terrorist plot and an “old” friend he thought was murdered. All four issues are recommended.

The New Teen Titans 24-25 (DC Comics, 1986) — The re-formed Titans return from the disastrous mission against Cheshire. Robin Jason Todd, Hawk and Speedy each decide to leave for his own reasons, leaving Wonder Girl, Jericho, Aqualad and the new Flash, Wally West. These four are reunited with Changling and Cyborg who relate their battles with Changling's step-father Steve Dayton, now driven insane by his Mento helmet. Meanwhile, Mento has decided that he should follow in the footsteps of the late Niles Caulder and create his own version of the Doom Patrol to help him kill his step-son and the other Titans. To achieve this end, Mento creates accidents, then saves the victims by turning them into monstrous members of his new Hybrid. Thus a pair of Greek archaeologists are transformed into Harpi and Gorgon, and a former Israeli soldier becomes Pteradon. In an initial attack, the three reluctant creatures are captured by the Titans and offer to help defeat their “creator.” But Mento sends a fourth member of the Hybrid, this one a willing participant in the experiment which transforms him, to free the others. This Behemoth, a former sumo wrestler, “rescues” Gorgon, Harpi and Pteradon, taking Aqualad captive in the process.

Action Comics 584 (DC Comics, 1987) — This is the first post-Crisis issue of Action Comics published. This incarnation of the book focused on team-ups between Superman and various guest-stars, this time the Titans. Apparently before they can attempt to rescue the captured Aqualad, Wonder Girl, Cyborg, Changling and Jericho must confronted a demented Superman, apparently drunk on his own power and destroying everything in sight. It takes a while, but the Titans are finally able to figure out that things are not quite what they seem.

And those are the retro-reviews for today.

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