Tuesday, June 04, 2013

I Like Aftermath Stories Like This

Nightwing 17
DC Comics
Kyle Higgins, writer
Juan Jose Ryp, artist

Let's back up a tad first.

I guess there was some outrage among fans at the way the Bat-crossover, "Death of the Family," concluded; some felt betrayed by the lack of a major character death. I had no such issues. I think the name clearly implies what we got as the fallout from the Joker's attacks has driven a wedge between Batman and his closest associates; they don't hate each other, but their relationships, their mutual trust have been damaged. I think this psychological-victory ending is more satisfying than any character death that would likely be reversed later.

Because I like Nightwing so much, it is nice to see this emotional fallout issue and the resulting closeness displayed between Nightwing and current Robin, Damian Wayne. I liked similar moments between Dick Grayson and Tim Drake handled in the past by previous writers. If Batman is the father figure of their little family, then all of the Robins are brothers (or sisters) with Dick being the eldest. It is nice to see the brothers interact and be there for one another from time to time. Maybe that means more to me because I can't visit as easily with my own brother these days, but I like it when writers acknowledge that bond between the Robins and handle it well.

It also makes a nice swan song for young Damian who, in fact, died in another story just a few short weeks later. (No real spoiler there; how could you miss that news if you have any interest in comics at all?)

We also have a guest artist this time out. The art is noticeably different from what we typically have in this title. That isn't to say the art here is bad. Ryp's interpretation of Alfred on the opening splash page seems just a tad off, but otherwise, his art is very nice, easy to follow, enhances the story, and his characters all look distinct enough to not confuse readers. Good job, sir; and DC, I wouldn't mind seeing more from this gentleman!

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