Tuesday, October 09, 2018

You have to laugh at heroes and villains “punching in” and out

Evil Inc. Annual Report Vol. 1
Lulu Press
Brad Guigar
Release date: 2006

This book has been on my “to read” stack for quite some time — so long, in fact, that I no longer recall exactly how I first came across it. But I somehow did come across it, thought it was a good idea to buy it, and now, several years later, I’m finally getting around to reading it and realizing that it was indeed a good purchase.

This first volume is a collection of comic strips from an online comic by the name "Evil Inc." by cartoonist Brad Guigar. What makes this stand apart from some other print collections of web comics is that Guigar tried to get a little more creative about the packaging. Rather than simply reprinting each individual daily strip, Guigar opted to snip and repackage to make the collected edition more of a smooth narrative. That means this volume might not appeal to a completist, and some of the initial strips in this first volume are still a little clunky. But for the most part, it works very well and makes this an enjoyable read.

The "Evil Inc." strip is a spinoff of another online comic strip Guigar did called "Greystone Inn." I’ve seen an odd comic or two from the "Greystone Inn" strip but never followed it with any regularity. "Evil Inc." follows the efforts of a former silver age villain named Evil Atom (standing in the panel above with a number of other more “familiar” evil faces) as he takes his criminal exploits legit by founding a corporation run by super villains for super villains.

Evil Atom is joined by a number of other regular cast members like his assistant/receptionist, Lightning Lady; Dr. Haynus, a disembodied brain in a jar surgically attached to a dog; Dr. Muskiday, with the head of a fly on the body of a janitor; Miss Match, a fire-based villainess; and a number of guest appearances that must really frustrate copyright attorneys.

The first volume begins very much as a typical gag-a-day type strip poking fun at a number of comic-book tropes perpetrated by both heroes and villains. I think any fan of the superhero comic genre will enjoy Guigar’s sense of humor. And the author does a great job of excising panels and adding some running commentary in places that helps lend a continuing feel to these strips.

What further helps is the quick introduction of some continuing story threads. Early on, a plot is revealed wherein someone is trying to buy up controlling interest in Evil Atom’s business, Evil Inc. There are also appearances by the occasional hero, most often Captain Heroic, the top hero in the fictional Fairmount City. Another subplot involves the fact that Captain Heroic, a hero, and Miss Match, a villain, are secretly married and have a 5-year-old son, Oscar.

The secret life of Captain Heroic, Miss Match and Oscar is one of my favorite parts of this book. I’m also happy to report that that relationship continues to be developed and play a key role in the strip in later collected volumes. I know because I’ve also just read "Evil Inc. Annual Report Vols. 2-4," and I’m currently working on Vol. 5. All in all, I’m really glad I found this strip and have enjoyed following its evolution in collected form. Here are a few of the full strips from the second collection. I think this scene is funny as I have my own little monster who continuously calls out at bedtime, but it doesn’t hurt that Aquaman makes an appearance, too.


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