Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The long wait is finally over

Welcome back, Slacker! 

That refers to me, not you, dear reader. Why would I insult you? I don't even know if you're still hanging around after all this time without a new post. But I've missed writing this blog, and I'm going to take a stab at keeping up with it once again. 

So what do we have to entice you to come back? Just a short post this time, and one that doesn't even center on a comic. Nope, I'm going to brag a bit about the latest figure I've added to my collection, the King Shark build-a-figure included in one of the latest DC Multiverse lines from Mattel. 

I really like the look of this figure, based just as much on his appearances in Season 3 of The CW's "Flash" television program as it is on the character's comic appearances. His bulk makes him look imposing next to the other regular six-inch figures I have, and he's a nice addition to my shelf of villains, which was already quite Aqua-centric due to the multiple Ocean Master and Black Manta figures. 

Besides, what's not to love about the character when he was even a quasi-good guy during the Sword of Atlantis Aquaman run? Why, if Arthur has trouble taking this big guy down alone (perish the thought), maybe the Hulk would be more King Shark's size? 

Come back next Tuesday, and I'll tell you about the surprise I got recently reading some old Superman comics. I promise I'll try to make it worth your time.

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