Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Thinking Inside The Box

Hey, thanks for checking in here; I know it’s been a while, and I do appreciate those of you who stop by from time to time.

Just had a quick tidbit to post today that I thought might be of some interest. Those of you who have followed this blog in the past know I’ve been trying to sell off some of my comics collection to free up space after the birth of our first child. I started that effort back before my wife was even pregnant, and our daughter is now 4 years old, so it has been a slow, ongoing process.

In the meantime, I’ve not only sold off some of my collection, but I’ve switched to a drawer boxes system of storing the comics I plan to hold onto, so I have a number of emptied short comic boxes. Now some of those boxes continue to hold the books I have yet to sort through and decide whether to sell or keep. Others hold the ones I’m trying to sell until they are gone. But I’ve also got a small collection of now empty comic boxes in our garage.

At the same time, our daughter has a number of toys, including several playsets — the kind with many big and small parts that take up too much room to leave assembled when not being played with but for which one can lose many of those small parts if they are just tossed in a big toy box with everything else. And before you suggest storing such toys in the original boxes they came in, really, who keeps the original packaging if you are going to open the toys, and what 4-year-old has yet grasped the collector mentality of NOT opening original toy packaging?

Even if you couldn’t see exactly where this topic is going, the above picture should have given you a big hint: I had the idea recently to convert some of those old comic boxes into playset storage boxes and decorated them accordingly for my daughter. I thought it was a good idea and thought I’d share.


I apologize again that the posts have been non-existent of late, but if you enjoy reading this blog, you can get more by liking my page on Facebook (where I recently posted some of my thought on “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,” for instance) and/or following me on Twitter. And of course, if you are looking for a good deal on some of the comics I am selling off to make room in our house, please check out my main Steve's Comics For Sale site or the StorEnvy version of the site. As always, thanks for stopping by and happy collecting!

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