Tuesday, April 09, 2013

All Ages With A Message

Baboon Books
Jeff Kilpatrick, writer and artist

The simple title and the interesting picture of the turtle on the cover caught my eye, but I knew nothing else about it. Now that I've read it, I don't know what I was expecting, but I don't think this was it. But what it is isn't bad.

Petey is a little turtle who isn't very popular and often gets picked on in his neighborhood. On top of that, he doesn't get much relief at home; his parents fight a lot. So Petey decides to run away from home and travel to Love City. But despite the name of the city, Petey doesn't find what he's looking for there, either. In fact, what he does find is very realistic and more than just a little scary.

That might seem like a pretty weighty topic, but Jeff Kilpatrick handles both the art and writing in such a way that this story really is appropriate for all ages. So rest assured, there is a happy ending for this little turtle. And at the end of the story, there is a Petey pin-up gallery and information about the Children's Crisis Treatment Center in Philadelphia, PA.

This was definitely a good purchase!

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