Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pull It Together, Guys, You're Running Out Of Arc

Justice League 5
DC Comics
Geoff Johns, writer
Jim Lee, artist


Again, some nice moments in this book, but the "team" of heroes still isn't working together as an efficient unit, although they do finally make a bit of progress toward that goal, and there is only one issue left before this story wraps up. They better get it together in a hurry!

So what happens in this issue? Superman gets captured and the rest are knocked senseless repeatedly. Blowhard Green Lantern gets his arm broken after challenging Darkseid directly and alone, but continues to slug away at the threat. Batman steps in to try to redirect GL's rage into a more productive strategy, that of rallying all of the heroes into working together while he, Batman, sets out alone to free Superman. That doesn't seem too different from the old DCU -- Batman touting the benefits of working as a team to others, but stubbornly going it alone himself.

What IS different about his approach in the DCnU is his method in convincing GL to calm down and work with the others. Bruce actually talks to Hal somewhat as an equal, appealing to his sense of duty and purpose, even unmasking to prove his point.

Aquaman, Cyborg, Flash and Wonder Woman don't get much to do in this issue, but hopefully that will change in the slugfest the next issue must be in order to wrap this conflict up.

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