Friday, June 15, 2012

Let's Just Keep Them A Secret

Secret Avengers 16-20
Marvel Comics
Warren Ellis, writer
various, artist

I liked the first couple story arcs of this covert Avengers team operating under the guiding hand of a costumeless Steve Rogers. The book had several characters I like teamed for specific missions alongside series regulars Rogers, the Black Widow and Beast. They were fun team-book stories under the authorship of Ed Brubaker. Between Brubaker's tenure and the announced new writer, Rick Remender, taking charge, this title featured several done-in-one tales penned by Warren Ellis. I like the done-in-one concept, something all too often missing from today's comics, and there's no denying that Ellis is a fantastic writer. These five issues are imaginative, filled with both action and character moments, and the artwork provided by each creator matches the tone of the respective story nicely. And yet, these five issues left me feeling ... meh. The characterization for Steve Rogers seemed sometimes a bit too harsh. Cap is a soldier and has no problem giving orders, but he seemed a little on the cold and distant side, almost mean-spirited, in some segments where he is interacting with other members of his team. That is NOT Steve Rogers, at least not for me. That's a deal-breaker on this series for me.

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