Thursday, July 08, 2010

Excuses. Excuses,

Short (and late) post today as I've been out of town part of this last week. I'm already waaaaay behind on my comics reading of late, and this most recent trip away did not offer any reading time at all.

The stack of out-of-continuity trades and back issues I buy (really a series of stacks (and in further reality, there are so many stacks, they almost make a wall)) has grown so large it appears quite menacing in its threat to tip and bury me. Not to be outdone, the stack of more current books has also grown of late to a rivaling size, at least in part because I've started adding new purchases to that stack regardless of whether or not they are in current continuity because I was running out of places to stack up those out-of-continuity books separately.

Why do I have so many? Because the hobby is addictive. We've talked in the past about how podcasts have led me to try some new things. Well, most new books I've tried have led me to other discoveries.

For example, I've long been aware of Mark Evanier's DNAgents comic from Eclipse. This title debuted in 1983 and was often compared favorably to the uber-popular New Teen Titans, which we all know I love. Well, a while back, I found a large lot of DNAgents comics for a decent price and bought them. This being several months ago, they got dropped onto the bottom of the current buys stack, and I recently came to them again in said stack as I slowly whittle it down.

Before my recent trip, I managed to read the first four issues of the DNAgents title. I was also VERY vaguely aware of another Mark Evanier title, also by Eclipse, called Crossfire. Well, after reading those first four issues of DNAgents, I discovered that they had several crossovers with the Crossfire title. So many, in fact, that I've decided to look for some of these Crossfire issues and hold off reading the rest of the DNAgents books until I find and have the Crossfire ones available, too.

With buying habits like those, you can see how my collection grows so quickly, and why my wife "loves" my hobby so much. See ya next time, kiddie cops!

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