Monday, July 31, 2006

Real Life Interlude

Been kind of a busy few days filled with real-life concerns and little leftover time for comic book concerns. My most recent batch of new comics arrived over the weekend, but I still haven’t had time to add them to my inventory list. I also received two packages of older comics. One was a recent trade of books from the Web site for all 33 issues of the original DC Checkmate series. I’ve always been curious about that series; now I can try it out and parted with some of my excess to boot. The other package was a bunch of back issues I’ve been looking for recently. Purchased them during a sale at Mile High Comics. That gets me several series I have been recently looking for except for one. In the mid 1990s, Mike Grell did a spin-off series from Jon Sable, Freelance about Maggie the Cat, a cat burglar. I have the first two issues and thought the series ended there unexpectedly. I recently learned issues 3 and 4 do exist. If anybody knows where I can find copies of those last two issues, I’m searching. Anyway, I just mailed out another package today of comics from the site, so it’s just been updated too. And that’s about all of the comics stuff I have time for now, except ...

I did manage to read through Crisis on Infinite Earths #1-3. The story still holds up although there’s a lot of exposition in these first few issues. Next time.

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