Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Wow! Just Wow!

Nightwing No. 83
DC Comics
Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo, Adriano Lucas and Wes Abbott
Release date: August 2021

If you have any appreciation for Nightwing or Dick Grayson as a character and haven’t bought and read this issue already, do yourself a favor and go out and get a copy of this book.

This issue wraps up the first story arc by this creative team on the title, and they have hit it out of the park, especially with this issue.

I’m deliberately keeping this post SPOILER FREE for a reason, but this story arc has brought about a big change in Dick Grayson’s status quo on a couple levels. One of those changes, in the hands of lesser creators, might have been a disaster, but these guys have pulled it off in such a way that I believe it could be real rather than a misdirect, and I’m onboard with the change.

The second change is the one telegraphed on the cover, which I love! Again, my acceptance and enjoyment of it is all about the execution. There are a number of cameos in this issue, some big and some small, but all of them are meaningful. I got the feels in a very good way reading this issue. I want to read it again for the first time, if such a thing was possible.

Short post this time around. I promise next time will be longer and a slightly older book. I just wanted to share that this title, and especially this issue of this title, are phenomenal.

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