Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Maybe we can help each other out

Kind of a different post today, focusing a little more on the real world than usual, but I promise there is a comics related tie-in coming.

My wife and I are both out of work right now. We each got a decent severance package, so we are not in dire straits at this point, but we are both looking for new jobs after more than 20 years working for the same industry. I'm hoping to use some of my new-found "free time" to get a few more regular posts up here, but I also need to focus a good portion of my time looking for a new job. So time will tell how that all shakes out, I guess.

One other area I'm focusing on right now is culling a portion of my action figure collection and listing them for sale. My efforts at getting portions of my comic collection listed are also ongoing; but today, I want to focus on the figures.

I have a current round of auctions running right now on eBay which includes the figures pictured here and a few more along with a few dozen comics sets. Those auctions will end Thursday, in just two days. I hope to get another round of auctions listed with more figures by the end of the week. You can find me on eBay, and thus find my auctions, here.

I also have regular listings on StorEnvy and my own Steve's Comics For Sale websites. Simply follow the links to see all the items currently listed, and I will have the figures added to those sites soon.

I try to list my items for sale at reasonable prices. I don't intend to simply give my stuff away, but I'm also not looking to gouge or cheat anyone who shares my enjoyment for the hobbies I love.

I will tell you that the best prices for the items tend to be on my own site because I don't have to give a portion of the sale price to another site host like eBay or StorEnvy on my own site. Listings through those sites cost me more, so the prices need to reflect that, but I'm happy to sell any of my items for sale through any of the various options. Links to all the sites are also listed to the left, and they all include ways to contact me if you have questions.

Take a look if you have an interest in comics or figures, maybe find something for your own collection and know that your purchase is helping keep our little family afloat during this time of transition.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by here and read this. Hopefully I'll see you back here next week with a more traditional comics post. Happy collecting!

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