Anyway, since I have another round of figure auctions running, I thought I would give a little more information about them this week. I started out buying the 6-inch line of figures that DC Direct started putting out in the 1990s, buying almost every figure as it came out. There were a few others from other lines — especially once Mattel started up its DC Universe Classics line of 6-inch figures — but most of my figures were DC characters with an occasional favorite from another toy line or company.
They were everywhere in my home office, on shelves on the wall, on book cases, on comic storage boxes, etc., anywhere I could find a place to stand them up. Then I started running out of room to put them, and I decided to sell off the vast majority of my figure collection and specialize.
I kept a few random figures of villains or heroes I liked, but from that point forward, I decided to mostly only buy and display figures based on my three top favorite characters — Aquaman, Green Arrow and Dick Grayson, the former including his incarnations as Robin, Nightwing and beyond.
That decision was made several years ago and in the interim, I have bought all shapes and sizes of figures and toys based on these three characters. Many of them are 6-inch figure lines, but some have come in other sizes ranging from figures to statues, from 1-inch figurines to 13-inch and above, from the detailed and serious to the silly and cartoony.

Pictured here are a few more of the figures that are currently listed for sale on eBay. Give them a look, if you're so inclined. I appreciate it. And next time, I'm going to try to have some talk about "The woman who just wouldn't quit."