Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Changing Habits, Changing Suppliers

Superior Spider-Man Vol. 1: My Own Worst Enemy and Vol. 2: A Troubled Mind
Marvel Comics

Dan Slott, writer
Humberto Ramos
and Ryan Stegman, artists

I've been buying a lot fewer comics of late.

This isn't the first time I've tried to trim my comics-buying budget. Several times in the past, I'd look at what I was buying and how much I was actually enjoying each title as opposed to buying out of habit. I think such periodic analysis is good, and it would often trim my pull list by a few titles here or there.

But this time has been different. It started out the same, weeding out a few titles only at first. But as I discussed last time, I'm selling titles I very much enjoyed but no longer have the storage space for. In light of some of the things I've been selling, it seems silly to buy so much stuff I might enjoy briefly, but will likely just turn around and sell in short order and take a big loss on. Don't get me wrong, reading and enjoying some books has its own value. But why buy so many knowing I'm just going to eat the difference?

Especially when I don't have to. The prevalence of trade paperbacks these days means there are other venues available to comics readers. For instance, the public library. I've borrowed a number of trades and read them through my local library. It's a good, inexpensive way to keep up with a title in which my interest might have waned or to try something new I'm not sure I'll like.

Superior Spider-Man is one of the titles I decided to give a try through the library, and I've been very glad I did. I like Spider-Man. I read some runs from the 1970s when I was a kid that I very much enjoyed, and I still have a few stand-alone issues that are fun to re-read from time to time. But I've never followed the character on a regular basis.

I've heard and read a lot of good things about Superior Spider-Man, the title that recently wrapped up to make way for the return of Amazing Spider-Man. I've also enjoyed other things Dan Slott has written in the past. So Superior Spider-Man seemed like a good title to try, but since Spidey isn't a character I regularly read, the library seemed a good option for a trial of the book.

The first two Superior Spider-Man trades aren't the meatiest in terms of page count; each one collects five issues of the title. But the first was good enough, I requested the second. And the second was also good, so I plan to continue with the series.

For those not in the know on Spidey's world, Superior Spider-Man launched with a new No. 1 in January 2013 because the man under the mask was no longer Peter Parker. In the final story arc of the previous volume of Amazing Spider-Man, the terminally ill Dr. Otto Octavius (Dr. Octopus) managed to transplant his own consciousness into Peter Parker's body, leaving Peter's mind in his own dying form. Peter was unable to undo that switch before Octavius' body died. Believing the real Peter to be "out of the way," Octavius set about using Peter's memories to assume the younger man's life, including his alter ego. But Octavius was not content merely to be young and powerful again. He set out to be a better Spider-Man than Peter had been — a superior Spider-Man.

The first trade in this new series showed Octavius assuming Peter's life and relationships. It also let readers know that Peter was not completely out of the picture. A fragment of his consciousness still existed in his old body, but Peter could not physically affect anything Octavius was doing.

In his defense, Octavius did do some good in Spider-Man's body. He used both Peter's scientific knowledge as well as his own to improve Spidey's costume and create a number of helpful gadgets. For instance, he took Peter's original design for the spider-tracer — a simple way for Peter to "tag" an enemy so he could find him or her later — and fashioned an army of tiny spider robots that could patrol the city, giving him instant eyes on any trouble situation. But Octavius' hubris and violent tendencies also made him much more brutal and unforgiving than Spider-Man had ever been before. In that first volume, Octavius as Spider-Man knowingly uses lethal force to stop a criminal, an act which garnered a mixed reaction among the authorities and civilians.

In the second volume, Octavius continues to operate as a much more inventive but brutal "hero," much to the horror of the phantom Peter trapped in his own body. But with effort, Peter slowly manages to gain some slight control of his body when Octavius sleeps. Peter hopes to use this limited control to call attention to his situation, especially when the Avengers begin to question the dark turn Spider-Man has taken. Unfortunately, Peter's actions also serve to make Octavius aware of his presence.

Slott is telling a gripping tale that is certainly holding my attention better than I expected it to. I'm genuinely curious to see what more Octavius can and will do in his effort to be a better hero than Peter was, and knowing full well that Peter will somehow come back, I'm still curious to see how that feat will be accomplished. Additionally, Slott has populated his tale with a number of new supporting characters that are equally as interesting as the leads.

Ramos' and Stegman's art is a little on the cartoony side and might not work for some other heroes, but seems to fit well in Spider-Man's world. In fact, the lighter tone of the art serves to soften some of the darker ramifications of Octavius' actions as Spider-Man.

I don't plan on dropping all of the titles I buy in favor of borrowing from the library; I still want to own the stories of my favorite characters and certain story lines I'm more likely to return to and re-read multiple times. But the library is a great alternative for reading and trying titles I might not otherwise be able to afford.

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