Sunday, April 07, 2013

The Best Of The Bunch

My World And Welcome To It
Baboon Books
Richard John Marcej, writer and artist

This little gem was a free bonus sent along with an order from Baboon Books. The other items I'd ordered weren't bad, I'd even be interested in reading more from some of the creators, but the other books just didn't grab me as much as I'd hoped. This book, however, contains 22 examples of Richard Marcej's daily illustrated blog where he draws a comic about something from that day in his life. Some of the subjects involve his daily routine. Others involve strange things he witnessed or overheard or did. It was a fun read filled with humor and a lot of dedication if Marcej really produces one of these illustrated journal entries each and every day. Kudos to him for that dedication, and more kudos for the fact that the cartoons are very readable and entertaining. I plan to start checking out his blog.


Short post today, but I also have a brief bit of housekeeping. Today's will be the last Sunday post, at least for a while. My family has undergone some changes in the past few weeks which have made it a bit harder to find time to generate posts three times a week. I'm hoping that will be temporary; but for now, I'm returning to the original Tuesday/Friday schedule for new posts. Not a major change, but wanted to let the faithful know up front.

See ya on Tuesday, Kiddie Cops!

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