Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Tension Builds

Batman 14
DC Comics
Scott Snyder, writer
Greg Capullo and Jonathan Glapion, artists

Just a few words about this one as I'm trying to avoid major spoilers for anyone who hasn't yet read the issue. Continuing the "Death of the Family" story arc begun last issue, this installment ramps up the tension in the same fashion. Two of Batman's allies have already been removed from play by various means. The body count beyond major characters is staggering. The Joker's new look is indeed horrifying. Batman's struggle to contain his emotions and react rationally is clear. And there's even a nice bit of character interaction between Batman and Nightwing, which I can't show because of those spoilers I'm trying to avoid. But such interactions between these two characters are something I'm always happy to see, especially in light of their last meeting I read about. I hope this crossover continues to maintain this high level of energy and excitement!

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