Friday, December 07, 2012

OK, Slowly Getting Better

Justice League 7-12
DC Comics
Geoff Johns, writer
Gene Ha, Gary Frank, Carlos D'Anda, Ivan Reis, Joe Prado and Jim Lee, artists

Justice League
No. 7 brings us up to the current time frame after the first arc of this title took us back five years to the team's formation. Many people criticized the League presented here because they didn't work together, barely even got along. That can be excused in a team brought together for the first time, still getting to know one another and learning to gel. But the word "team" is used just as loosely in this prologue to "The Villain's Journey." It's been five years of these guys getting to know each other and learning to work together, and they still seem like they can't get along and really don't care for each other. That's not what I want long-term from this team.

Issue No. 8 serves to unite the members of the League, albeit briefly, in a little side story, guest-starring Green Arrow. Here the League is united in their dislike of the Emerald Archer and their decision not to admit anyone else to their ranks, at least for the most part. This issue serves as a diversion from "The Villain's Journey" arc, and while a good read, is more a book-length teaser for the then-newly announced Justice League of America title coming in 2013.

"The Villain's Journey" really gets under way in issue No. 9 and rolls quickly along. The villain of this piece isn't cut from the traditional pattern. Rather than seeking to achieve power, money or glory for himself, he is trying to improve the League members by teaching them first-hand about loss. What he doesn't realize is that each of these heroes does in fact know a great deal about loss already. But still, Graves manages to teach them a little about humility and responsibility.

I don't see this tale as ranking among the all-time best Justice League stories by any means, but I can see Johns moving these heroes toward the kind of characters I want to read about. As much as I appreciate that he is moving them in a positive direction, I want my Justice League heroes to already be there. I want them to be the best and brightest stars, not working toward becoming that.

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