Thursday, March 30, 2006

Everything You Know Is Wrong

They have tried to yank the rug right out from under me, but so far, so good -- with just a little help from my friends. So far, I have survived two days under this new software at work. I even did a little bit more a little bit faster on the second night, so maybe, just maybe, I will get the hang of this program. Most of us agree, there are a number of things which keep this from being the vast improvement we were promised: several of the wonderful "new" features could have been done using our old software, and are only occasional things anyway. Several of the standard, everyday operations actually involve more complex commands than the old software. And, of course, most of the actions that stayed the same really didn't because we all have to learn new keystrokes to make the same old magic happen.

But, as I said, with a little help from those around me, I'm figuring it out.

Wish me luck.

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